Junio / 2019
ECIA Newsletter 2019 #3

ECIA President’s message:
I hope you had a great summer vacation!
We as ECIA would like to keep you updated and send you some fresh news. Hopefully to restart with new energy, great inspiration and good ideas! The board has worked on numerous things the last few months. Our Education workgroup is running full speed on different themes, we have been in contact with our members, we prepared the general assembly and we had our last board meeting before summer in Zurich where we have met a large delegation of our Swiss member VSI-ASAI.
I would like to congratulate our board member Teresa Casas to be re-elected for the presidency of our Spanish member organization CGDI. A great achievement. The CGDI is also helping us with the preparation and organization of our General Assembly in the 2nd week of September in Bilbao.
Bilbao in the late summer, sounds promising right? Don’t miss it! Join us. I have seen the program and can ensure you that it will be worthwhile!
Yours, Anja Dirks