Marzo / 2021
ECIA Newsletter 2021 #1

ECIA President’s message:
Dear colleagues,
One year with Corona has passed and I remember my letter of March 2020 where I wrote: “I hope that we all manage the weeks of Corona in good health” now after one year we understand that this situation will accompany us for a long time.
Even if the limits of our patience have been reached, we still have to be careful. That is why we have to appreciate every small step and be happy about small success stories.
I´m glad to present to you this large spring-issue of the ECIA-newsletter and as you can see there is a lot going on, so please enjoy the reading.
As a result of our efforts, we have now successfully completed the new “European Charter or Interior Architecture Training 2020” and it is now released. In the Newsletter you will find a presentation of this excellent work and you can also find the full version on the ECIA website. Further promotion is also planned.
Also, the engagement in the establishment of the “New European Bauhaus” initiated by the EU moves forward, even though this movement is still looking for the right format, ECIA is well represented in the first meetings to create this organization.
We are also glad to inform you that the subscribers of our newsletter are increasing, we have now reached over 3,000. This also verifies our aim to be an important medium for our members, so please keep on sending us news and other events from your country.
I wish you all the best and I am still convinced we will meet soon.
Stay healthy,
Martin Thörnblom